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Dr. Rafael Sotelo at the Pawsey Supercomputing Center event

Rafael Sotelo participated in the international meeting where he spoke about the project carried out by the Engineering School at University of Montevideo (FIUM) and Quantum-South.

Professor Jingbo Wang welcomed the international meeting.

On Thursday March 25th, Dr. Rafael Sotelo participated in an international meeting of the Pawsey Supercomputing Center, a supercomputing center in Australia. Sotelo’s participation occurred within the Pawsey’s Quantum Pioneer Program, in which University of Montevideo participates. This is an initiative for selected researchers to develop cutting-edge quantum applications in machine learning, logistics, defense, aerospace, quantum finance, and quantum research.

“From the Engineering School (FIUM) of the University of Montevideo, together with students and teachers, we are working with the Australian company Quantum Brilliance, which seeks the development of diamond-based quantum computers that will work at room temperature, unlike other developments that require ultra-cold temperatures. Through Quantum Brilliance we agreed to work in this supercomputing center and its Quantum Pioneers program ”, explained Sotelo. All the work from the FIUM is done on facilities of the Pawsey’s Supercomputing Center, supported by the Australian Government. “Pawsey gave us exclusive access to their facilities, giving us entry to the Quantum Pioneers program,” he added.

FIUM’s Quantum Computing group is focusing its work on a project with Quantum-South, a start-up that was born in University of Montevideo. This project has the support of the National Research and Innovation Agency (ANII) through the Innovation Fund in Logistics. Quantum-South has an agreement with Quantum Brilliance to implement optimization algorithms in a quantum computer simulator that has just been developed by Quantum Brilliance. From the FIUM, the students Diego Gibert, Juan Diego Orihuela, Renzo D’Ambrossio, Serrana Aguirregaray and Rodrigo Acosta participate in this project; and teachers Laura Gatti, Juan Ignacio Méndez and Rafael Sotelo.

Participation in this program is exclusive and by invitation. In addition to Quantum-South, together with FIUM’s Quantum Computing group, Professor Jingbo Wang, from the University of Western Australia; Dr Casey Myers, University of Melbourne; and the company Trellis Data.

“We are working on a next-generation issue, directly with those who are developing on the technology frontier from a hardware standpoint. Our students and teachers are in contact with leaders of this company, contributing to the development of software, adapting software previously made for other quantum computing platforms, and reporting their behavior in the new simulator ”, commented Sotelo.
